
It's that time again

First of all, My son, whom will remain anonymous, told me last week that my blog is embarrassing and that I need to quit sounding like a crazy, over zealous Mormon freak!

(Member of The Church of Jesus Christ for those of you who watched conference)..

and that I was turning people off to our church and that I needed to change the way I was writing things. He told me that is what life is about, fixing the things that we do wrong..Even thought I said that I don't want to change, that I'm just writing what I feel. To which I was told was just wrong...So I then, in embarrassment, decided that I was never going to post anything anywhere ever again, ever..

However, since I don't want to change, and this is MY blog/journal, and it is who I am, and that the main purpose of it is to let, whoever in the world that would ever want to, know who I am or how I feel about things.. Here I am, just being me, like it or not...

Anyway it's that time again..BASKETBALL--- (#33)

1 comment:

  1. We're all crazy... and I'm glad you write what you feel!
